We aim high and think long-term

We adore you as an entrepreneur and would love to support you in realising your ambition. We work with a long-term perspective and stand by you every step of the way. Everything we do, we do with both brain and heart.

Our story

We believe in you and your ideas

Typically, this is where we would boast about our exceptionalism, but let’s face it – we’re not that special. Sure, we can talk the talk with the best financial lingo around, but when it comes down to it, we struggle to how to define ourselves. Crafting an internationally recognizable and pronounceable name eludes us and we don’t really have a clear view of which business verticals to be in. You could say we are everywhere and nowhere. Does any of this make sense? Probably not, but amidst the fog, we grasp onto a few crucial truths. We know a few things, some very important things.

Our recipe for success – knowledge, heart and long term commitment!

Are you an entrepreneur? We absolutely adore you. We love to support you in realizing your ambition. We always use both our heart and brain in everything we do. If we use too much heart the return on investment might not be great, while too much brain makes the job rather boring. Combining both is how we create mutual magic.

We’re not a fund. Therefore, we can think, act, and invest with a long-term perspective. We always listen and adhere to your needs and wills. Not being a fund also makes us less bureaucratic. We are informal, quick to make decisions, easy to deal with and in our view nice to be around.

A sparkling Nordic portfolio

To date, we have invested in various early-to-mid stage Nordic based innovative companies. Normally, our stake is between single digit percentages up to about 15 percent. We have no ambition to be on the board as we fully trust the entrepreneur, however, we love to help, be involved and assist where we can.

Our portfolio showcases a spectrum of stories, including trailblazers like DanAds, known for changing parts of the digital advertising industry, Understatement, redefining female underwear fashion, Bite Studios, pushing the boundaries of sustainable fashion, and Care to Translate, making communication seamless across languages.

Now that you’ve read this far, does any of this make sense? If the answer is yes, don’t hesitate to reach out. We would love to hear from you.

Meet our founders and owners

Our founders Patrik and Johan are long term friends starting their careers together in London at the infamous bank of Lehman Brothers. Since then both have spent numerous years within finance but also been working with “real” businesses. Johan steering the family business interests of Smarteyes International and Patrik running two e-commerce businesses within contact lenses and paintings space.

Since 2013 Johan is the CEO and partner of Mellby Gård; a family-owned conglomerate comprising about twenty companies with Mellby Gård as the main owner. Patrik has been running his privately held investment company Naika Invest for over 15 years. Interests have aligned and the vision of Kaknäs Invest has been formed.